
8:33am 06-24-2007
ramon john
hi! we have a project regarding pic 16f84. i read that it is used in your rotating display. can you tell how to make it?! it will be a big help. pls. can you e-mail it to me?!! your site is amazing
Replied on: 12:57am 07-26-2007

That project was done on the fly so there was little documentation done other than what you see on the site. I unfortunately don't have any other information to share (other than what is posted already).

9:05am 05-25-2007
I want to print the manual to the stair lighting kit I received. How do I do that?
Replied on: 11:23am 05-25-2007

Hi Don,

The manual is in PDF form, it is available here:

To open it you will need this free reader (it is probably already installed on your computer)



12:21pm 05-22-2007
kurt guy
I want to call you guys, but I see that you do not have a number to call. Please send me a contact number. thank you
Replied on: 11:25am 05-25-2007

Hi Kurt,

Sorry, we use email for all business correspondence. You can send any questions to us here:


12:07pm 05-13-2007
Hi, I am interested in temp. logger based on PIC16F88 and the GPS logger. Can you send me code and the schematic? Thanks.
Replied on: 3:18pm 05-13-2007

Hi Owais,

Do a search on HackedGadgets, there are lots of PIC projects featured there.

1:41am 04-29-2007
Hi I was just wondering if you could give me some idea as to how the hard disk clock works, I understand the slit lets the light through, I am just having trouble with how the beams are formed in the correct spot, also wondering if there is anyway to make them a bit sharper as in the pics some seem a bit faded and not clear, especially when hands are overlapping.

Thanks Andrew
Replied on: 3:21pm 05-13-2007

Hi Andrew,

The microcontroller knows where the slot is and turns on the correct LEDs at the right time on each revolution.

You could overdrive the LEDs if the code was changed so that it only displayed clock hands (no start-up display) since most LEDs care more about average current than peak current.

10:41pm 04-23-2007
Hi! I enjoyed browsing your site! Very interesting! By the way, are you,in any way, related to Michael Parekh? Mabuhay!
Replied on: 8:48am 04-24-2007

Thanks, no relation that I know about.

4:57pm 04-05-2007
Thomas Nodes
I Purchased some LED'S recomended by Alan's Elect Projects Store.
Water Clear-8000 MCD 5mm Red
Water Clear-6000 MCD 5mm Blue
Water Clear-13000 MCD 5mm White
I was very Happy with the Quality and Accuracy of my Order as well as the
Price's. I will come back to shop here. This is a Seller with sensible price's
on Product's necessary for Gadgeter's and Electronic's Hobbiest. Give them
a Chance to Impress You.

Thank You for a
Pleasurable Online Sopping Experience........

Thomas Nodes
Special Effects Lighting Design Engineer
for Techlight Technologies
Park Rapids,Mn
Replied on: 8:47am 04-24-2007

Thanks Thomas

1:28am 03-20-2007
Forest Cao
I am in need of 1 pack of (UV LED 50 Pack 3000mcd, 16,50 USD), how can I amke the payment?
Replied on: 2:51am 03-20-2007

Our UV LEDs are available here:

Payment methods are:
check, money order, credit card, e-check, Paypal

3:41am 03-18-2007
Good job on the clocks. Very creative. I'll have to look later at what else you've got on the site but this is real helpful for me.

After building a new (from scratch) a custom mid/high-end gaming computer for my 16 year old, it really seems a shame to throw out the old desktop which is about 7 years old. It lasted so long, and is still running, because I took great care of it and upgraded it well and often.

You given me a start on thinking creatively with that old one. Thanks!
Replied on: 2:49am 03-20-2007

Thanks Scott,

I am the same way, I hate to throw things out where I know I can find a new use for it.

10:54am 03-13-2007
Oh, I that´s a pitty. I´ve opened two hard disks and the two of them did the same. I wonder if there is some way to solve the problem. If I know something I´ll let you know. Some of your projects are very interesting, I congratulate you. Sorry for my english, I am from Argentina . Thanks for your help.
11:30am 03-12-2007
Hello, I´am starting a project similar to the hdd clock. I want the clock to spin continuously but it slows down and re-accelerates, then, after a few times it stops spinning. Do you have any ideas on how to solve that?, I´ve opened the hdd and connected it to the power cable and done no mod on it. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Replied on: 2:28pm 03-12-2007

Hi Holt,

I have had many people email me with the same problem. It seems that many drives have some "protection" that shuts off the drive it there is no computer activity. Unfortunately my only suggestion is to look for another drive that does not have this protection. There would be no simple way to defeat this operation as far as I know.

8:45am 03-06-2007
süleyman özkan
emin sen isen bana ulaş.
süleyman ben

3:44am 02-26-2007
hi allan, "stair light" can we buy a certain motion sensor rather than using IR receiver and Transmitter. also we dont know to to program it. can you give me sample for stair light program
Replied on: 11:04am 02-26-2007

Hi Mark,

Yes, any normal alarm system motion detector will work fine. By normal I mean one that requires 12 Volts to operate and has a N/C (normally closed) contact. Simply indicate that you would like the wiring diagram for this when you place your order.



8:48pm 02-19-2007
Hi Alan.
I went ahead and built the stair lights project but im having some problems with it. When i short pins 5 and 24 everything checks out okay, but when i turn on the device with lasers properly aligned the unit starts in Program mode and i cant get out of it. I have tested the IR detectors and have found then with the laser on they output 5 volts and without zero. I can switch the program by flashing the one laser. According to the instructions the top laser should be used to program the unit but it is only responding to the bottom input.(i made sure that they are not mixed up) Im a little stumped here and any help would be great.

Replied on: 11:01am 02-26-2007

Hi Colin,

When the unit powers up (and the program jumper is not in place) does breaking the upper or lower beam activate the lights? It sounds like it does not. have you gone through the manual and performed a test on the circuit as described here:

12:39pm 01-23-2007
Hi Allan! I'm very glad to browse your website and i manage to get some notes from your, because i'm basically had knowledge in electrical but in electronic very poor. Also I need some guidance from you regarding LED type lamp, currently I'm installing LED Base Lamp for the Aviation Obstruction Light for the Telecomunication towers and i need a info from about the minimum current use totaly.The lamp contents of 18 candela for the low intensity type and 32 candela for the high intensity. I will be grateful if you guide me on this. Hope to hear from you soon . Thanks Allan. Bye. Jay Kay fr Malaysia
Replied on: 10:56am 02-26-2007

Hi Jay,

I am not sure that you will be able to create a lamp this bright (when viewed from all angles) very easily using LEDs. Unless someone has built one ready for sale this is a project that I think might not be a good DIY project.

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