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4:02pm 01-12-2007
Bill from Morro Bay
Hi Allan! Really enjoyed browsing your site! Some intriguing projects. Ran across your PCB etching project by accident and then your site. I was very active in making PCBs via the photo neg - KPR3 method back in the '60's. Used ordinary desk flourescent light for UV source. When KPR3 was no longer available I stopped making boards - I had very bad results with the positive method. Very interested in your etching article and exposure box. Was looking for a LED UV exposure system when I found your method. Bill from Morro Bay, CA.
Replied on: 2:46pm 01-17-2007

Glad you liked the site Bill.

11:15pm 01-07-2007
I think its really cool that you offer nice equipment and kits and great support for so little money. The world is a better place.
Replied on: 12:05am 01-08-2007

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the kind words.

8:12am 01-06-2007
patsy morgan
Replied on: 12:12am 01-08-2007

I am not sure how much light you would need for that but all of these LEDs are very bright and should work. On the same page of the LED there is a listing of the proper resistor that is required depending on the voltage that you will be using to power the unit. LEDs will work fine underwater as long as all of the exposed leads are sealed (silicone works good).


12:32pm 12-10-2006
Hey, i've been meening to ask you for some time now, I built the fish tank lighting system, and it works great. How is it sapposed to operate in cycle mode? I would think it should slowly fade out one color, and in the next. On mine in both slow and fast mode, the motion is choppy and seems to strobe from one color to the next. The PIC is an PIC16F628-04/P. Would it work better with a faster version? Any help would be great. Thanx
Replied on: 12:12am 01-08-2007

Hi Colin,

It should be a slow gradual fade. Mine isn't hooked up right now, I will have a look when I have a chance. The code may be doing a slow temperature lookup routine during the fade which could slow things down if the sensor is a bit slow in responding. I will have a look when I get a chance. No a faster clock would not solve that.

9:08pm 11-19-2006
hi,found out ur rotating display is kinda interesting.but can u list me those required component so i can get it and kindly a little instruction on how to built it
Replied on: 7:49pm 11-28-2006

Sorry, there are no instructions for it (just what you see on the site).

2:05am 11-13-2006
hi Alan, i hope that u ca help me out...
i\'m doing a project on the hard disk clock..
everything is fixed into place but i can\'t see the clock hand..
the LED is lighting up but i can\'t see any patterns..
will the speed of the motor that is causing the problem?
seems like the motor is spinning very fast..
pls do help me out! thanks..
Replied on: 9:43am 11-13-2006

Hi Ice,

First thing to do is meter the pin that has the optical sensor on it while slowly turning the platter. Make sure it does change state when the hole passes.

7:56am 11-11-2006
I've built the hard drive clock but my LED's light up only for 5 seconds but off before the speed stabilized & it didn't lightd up anymore!
Replied on: 9:50am 11-11-2006

Hi Marn,

Power the PIC circuit while leaving the drive power off. Meter the PIC pin where the optical sensor is tied. Make sure it changes state when the hole in the platter passes. It sounds like the PIC is not getting the trigger from the optical sensor.

9:39am 11-09-2006
Ally Somerville
I have been searching for an age to find out exactly how to do a similar stair light project - Hurray for this site!! Just one question from an electronics know-nothing, is there an easy way to adjust your kit to incorporate a PIR so that the sensor only activates the lights when light levels are sufficiently low and not every time someone activates the sensor in daylight hours? Thanks
Replied on: 6:24pm 11-09-2006

Hi Ally,

This would be a simple feature to add however out of the box it doesn't operate like that.

2:47am 11-03-2006
i've found the 628A for the hard disk clock but now i need to program it. wat i have now is the CL4128D PIC programmer. could it be used? also which ever software is compatible rite?
Replied on: 1:43pm 11-03-2006

I am not familiar with that programmer, the manual or manufactures Web site should have details about what chips it can burn.

3:02am 10-19-2006
I am planning to install your stair lights but have more than 11 stairs. You seem to have many electronic gurus at your disposal...can one of them tell me how to increase your light capacity from 11 to 14.
Thank you,
Replied on: 7:25am 10-19-2006

Hi Philip,

Have a look at the kit page, http://www.kits.alan-parekh.com/stair_light_kit/installation.html scroll down to the "Wiring 11 to 20 Stair Lights to Controller" section. The kit is available fully assembled if desired, have a look at the store for this information, http://alan-parekh.vstore.ca/index.php/cPath/1_2
The kit has 10 discreet outputs that can power up to two lights each.

8:23pm 10-17-2006
hi alan..
i got trouble sourcing the PIC16F628 for my hd project.. is it possible to use the 877A instead?
Replied on: 8:49pm 10-17-2006

Hi Ice,

No it won't work on a 877A but it will work on a 628A

7:01pm 10-17-2006
Frank Karlich
Recieved your product. It was as advertized. Got here when promised.
Your word is good. I will buy from you again....Thank You.
Replied on: 8:50pm 10-17-2006

Thanks Frank

8:15pm 10-12-2006
Hey. Got the pics posted finally. Check it out at www.wolftech.piczo.com
Also, for the stair lights, what kind of IR Reciever can be used to recieve the laser beam? And are the lasers listed in your store the only option? And Finally on the first schematic that shows the power supply, there are four Capaciters, but there no values?
Still havent figured out the HDD Clock yet, as far as i can tell the hardware is sound, though i didnt use a actual HDD, only the discs. I mounted them on a regular motor. The hands light up, only in blue, but do not move, there is no random start up display. any ideas wouold be great.. Thanx for the cool projects!!!
Replied on: 8:51pm 10-17-2006

Nice pics Colin,

As far as the Hard Drive Clock goes, meter the PIC pin that the beam is connected to and slowly spin the disk. Does it have 0 and 5 volt transitions when moving through the hole?

8:46pm 10-10-2006
Alan, I am interested in the Stair lighting project! Do you have a PCB layout available? Preferably PDF. Also do you have the hex file posted somewhere.
Finally got some pics of my Fish tank lights, & HDD clock. Im gonna post them on my site in the next day or two. (will post a link later)
Replied on: 9:27pm 10-10-2006

Hi Colin,

I look forward to seeing your pictures.
You will find a PDF of the PCB in the manual located here:

and the HEX and source code is available on this page as a free purchase from our store:

6:25pm 10-10-2006
Dude,I Envy Every Single one of you're projects.Yo!
Replied on: 9:27pm 10-10-2006


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